(UPDATED 12/9/24)
The purpose of the Carolinas Crime Analysis Association (CCAA) is to promote professionalism, training, and interagency cooperation within the field of crime analysis, and to advocate for and raise awareness of crime analysis as a valuable part of effective policing strategy.
The name of the association described herein shall be Carolinas Crime Analysis Association. The association is also referred to as CCAA, and for purposes of this document may also be referred to as the Association.
This Association is hereby formed as an all-volunteer, non-profit organization and exists in order to further the following goals:
The Association may establish affiliations with other organizations with similar goals. Any new affiliation or change in affiliation requires an official majority vote of the responding membership. Association members may choose to maintain membership in the affiliated group(s) and CCAA, or they may choose to maintain membership solely in CCAA.
CCAA is a Regional Association as recognized by the International Association of Crime Analysts (IACA). CCAA has negotiated an agreement with IACA allowing group membership to IACA at a discounted rate. CCAA is otherwise considered independent from IACA.The Association’s Board (as defined below) may approve by majority an association logo or other symbols to be used for the Association for the purposes of letterhead, advertising, merchandise, or other Association business. The logos and symbols of this Association may only be used for Association business and other purposes that are approved, in writing, by a majority of the Board.
SECTION 1: Eligibility for Membership
Membership shall be open to current and former crime analysts, other related professionals in the criminal justice field, both in the public and private sectors, and those involved in crime analysis through educational pursuits, including relevant faculty, staff, and students, from any state. Categories for membership include professional, student, volunteer, and corporate sponsor. Professional, student, and volunteer members will have full voting authority. Corporate sponsors will not have voting authority and cannot hold elected office in CCAA. Others who wish to request membership may do so by requesting a membership exception, to be determined by a majority vote of the Board. The CCAA Board has the right to refuse anyone membership or move members between membership categories.
SECTION 2: Membership Status
The following points will guide the determination of membership status:
SECTION 3: Rights of Membership
Members in good standing will enjoy the following rights: 1) participation in conferences, workshops, and other training opportunities, 2) communication with other members of the Association, 3) participation in meetings of the full Association, 4) making, debating, and voting on motions, 5) casting one vote in any decision that involves voting by the full Association, 6) running for Board positions, 7) nominating members to run for Board positions, 8) chairing or serving on Association committees, and 9) accessing Association meeting agendas and minutes.
SECTION 4: Non-Discrimination
The Association does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, ethnicity, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, age, non-disqualifying mental or physical disability or veterans’ status, or any other characteristic protected under law.
SECTION 1: Elections
Any member in good standing may run for election to a Board position, either by nomination from another member or by self-nomination at least 30 days before the election date. The election will run for at least 10 days. No member may hold more than one Board position at any given time. In order to ensure continuity in Board business, elections will be held for each position in alternating years, with two positions turning over in one year (VP of Membership and VP of Finance) and three positions turning over in the next year (President, VP of Training, and VP of Communications). Votes will be held electronically, and all members in good standing may vote. Voting will occur each year during the month of the annual conference, or the month immediately following the annual conference depending on scheduling.
SECTION 2: Terms and Term Limits
Elected Board members will serve a term of two years and may serve no more than two terms in the same position, with an exception made if there is no other member willing to serve in that role. Each officer shall be elected to a term of office of two years, beginning on May 1 and ending on April 30. If a successor has not been elected or appointed, the outgoing officer shall continue to serve in that office until a successor has been elected or appointed. If a Board member vacates their position before the term is complete, whether by his or her own decision or by a majority vote of the Board due to conduct or actions that go directly against the mission of the Association and/or the engaging in illegal activity, there will be nominations and a vote to name an interim officer to that position. For cases where it is necessary for the Board to vote on removal of an officer and to avoid a potential tie vote, the Board will consist of the remaining four regular positions, plus the immediate Past-President.
SECTION 3: Board Positions and Responsibilities
The officers that constitute the Executive Board are as follows—
Vice President of Training:
Vice President of Communications:
Vice President of Membership:
Vice President of Finance:
Past Presidents: May serve in an advisory role only. May attend Board meetings and be privy to Board information. Immediate Past-President may vote on Board business only in cases where a tie-breaker is required.
Board members serve in a volunteer capacity. As such, the following benefits are provided to Board members in thanks and recognition for their service to the Organization, and in thanks to their respective agencies for allowing them the time and resources necessary to serve. These benefits apply during the time of service only, unless otherwise specified, and are dependent upon the availability of Association funds to cover the expenses.
Committees may be formed as needed on either a long-term or short-term basis. Committees must designate a Chair to lead activities and to communicate activities with the Board as necessary. Committee members and chairs must be members in good standing. If an additional job needs to be undertaken that does not require a full committee, Special Appointments may be assigned by the Board to individual members in good standing.
SECTION 1: Full Association Meetings
At least one business meeting of the full Association will occur annually, preferably in conjunction with the annual conference. This meeting shall preferably be conducted in person, but the Executive Board shall have discretion to designate the meeting time, place, and method of the meeting. Additional meetings of the full membership may be called by the Board on an as-needed basis. For purposes of the full Association’s meetings, a specific quorum will not be required to meet so long as members are given at least 14 days’ notice in advance of the meeting. However, voting on any issue will be delayed and conducted electronically after the commencement of the meeting if at least two thirds of the membership is not present for a live vote, OR if any member expresses a belief that more deliberation is needed before the time of the vote. In cases of an electronic vote, meeting notes will be shared with the full membership before any such vote is required in order to be sure that all voting members have the information necessary for an informed vote.
SECTION 2: Executive Board Meetings
The Executive Board will meet at least quarterly, and other times as needed for business purposes. A quorum of the Executive Board will require the presence of at least three officers, not including the Immediate Past-President.
SECTION 3: Methods of Conducting Business
Business may be conducted virtually through web meeting or by phone, if necessary, in addition to through live meetings.
SECTION 4: Emergency Meetings
Emergency meetings of the Association may be held with less notice than that required above in situations of extreme time-sensitivity and/or extreme importance to the Association. In these cases, the voting rules dictated above will still apply for any motion that is to be voted on.
Any amendment of these by-laws shall require advance notice to the membership and an official majority vote of the responding membership before change can go into effect.
Upon the dissolution of
this organization, assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes
within the meaning of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (or
corresponding section of any future tax code), or shall be distributed to the
federal government, or to a state of local government, or for a public purpose. The above by-laws will
govern the CCAA. Anywhere that these by-laws are found to be insufficient,
Robert’s Rules of Order will apply.
The above by-laws will
govern the CCAA. Anywhere that these by-laws are found to be insufficient,
Robert’s Rules of Order will apply.